Friday Sep 02, 2016
Episode 38: Justice Squat
Friday Sep 02, 2016
Friday Sep 02, 2016
In this comeback episode, Bob and Fran take it easy and just talk about whatever they feel like(big shock, i know)
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
ABQ BONUS EPISODE 1: Month of Thrones Cutting Room Floor
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
Apologies, everyone. Been having a hell of a time getting a recording date set up(blame Fran) and to get at least something out, I have cut together all the cut bits from the Month of Thrones pt3 where Bob and Fran just start bitching at each other and no one came back the winner.
Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Episode 37: Weebing out w/ Bob and Fran
Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Shock and awe, Dear Viewers, but we have two episodes in two weeks, something that hasnt happened in a fort-week. In this episode we discuss Anime, how much Bob still hates the prequels, Power Rangers, and Bob treats Fran like shit at the end(and its glorious)
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
Episode 36: Full Music Nerd
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
In this episode, our hosts harp on about how much Hamilton punched them in the emotions, Fran explains Ludo to Bob, Fran bags on Rainbow and bob bags on Rage Against The Machine, Rush, Led Zeppelin, ACDC et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
Episode 35: Month of Thrones pt 3
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
Dear sweet god, did this one take forever, Dear Viewers. well over 2 hours recording and about 4 and a half to edit, this was a beast. In this episode we finish off this season of Game of Thrones by going over the last 4 episodes and get into a few too many squabbles that I had to cut for time. If you're all good little viewers, i may release them as bonus content later on.
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Episode 34: Deer Roofies and Other Gaming Tropes
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
In this Gaming-Themed episode of A Brothers' Quarrel, Bob and Enjoy their first Face-To-Face recording, and Bob enjoys not having to edit Fran's fuzzy audio, we learn that Fran married a plagiarist, Cooking time with Bob, Goddamn Anders(!!!!), the amazing new game, Steamworld Heist, Obligatory Overwatch/Blizzard, and an update on Jakes Basic(bitch) Training.
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Episode 33: Sleep Doesers
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Friday Jun 17, 2016
due to physical and professional trauma, this episode is a bit late(that should be our new tagline), but in this episode we finally start to chip away at Fran's topic list, discussing such wonderful topics as the fact that When Jake's Away, Bob Will Anime, The single best name for a child, What the everloving butts is Caligula's Cabinet(spoiler: its not a Nick Jr show) Adult Cartoons(thematic. no tentacles) and Bob breaks Fran, apparently.
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Episode 32: Month of Thrones pt 2
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
A little late(sorry, work has been insane), but we make up for that by giving you another 90+ minute episode. Listen to Bob and Fran ramble about the glory and holes found around May's episodes of Game of Thrones and bob goes whole hog into his ships. Fran also schools him on some basic Ice and Fire info. So if you like listening to people talk about Game of Thrones, well you spent 30-some weeks listening to the right podcast.
Saturday May 28, 2016
Episode 31: Flapshaming
Saturday May 28, 2016
Saturday May 28, 2016
We embark on a new journey. Jake is away at learning how to, if not kill a man with his bare hands, at least give him a sound talking to with his bare hands, and Bob is left with trying to fill the slot(heh)
Monday May 16, 2016
Episode 30: 10 Things We Love About Soapy Butt Carwash
Monday May 16, 2016
Monday May 16, 2016
Sorry for the delayed episode, Dear Viewers, we had some real life stuff pop up, and it will continue to crop up. We bring you Jakes penultimate episode....for a while at least, which is discussed more in the episode proper, along with such topics as Your Body & You...Are Gross, WTFPotter, Civil War, and a quick 10 Things I Hate About You retrospective.